İncal Gritin represents a cutting-edge product that harnesses the unique properties of natural zeolite to revolutionize poultry farming. Built on a foundation of scientific research and innovation, this mineral poultry bedding grit offers an array of comprehensive benefits that significantly improve poultry rearing efficiency, feed utilization, and overall animal welfare.

Understanding the Vital Role of Grit +
Its Interaction with the Gizzard

Grit plays a vital role in poultry nutrition, beyond merely providing essential minerals for growth and eggshell formation. Its presence in the gizzard is paramount, as it serves two crucial functions:

Separator Function
Grit acts as a natural separator, effectively dividing and separating food particles within the gizzard. This separation allows the digestive secretions from the proventriculus and the mineral acid in the gizzard to permeate freely through the food mass. Consequently, this process optimizes the utilization of feed in the digestive tract, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption.

Mechanical Grinding and Crushing
The gizzard, with the aid of grit, mechanically grinds and crushes the ingested feed. This process is especially critical for breaking down hard ingredients, exposing a larger surface area of the food to digestive enzymes. Improved digestibility results in enhanced nutrient assimilation and overall performance in poultry.

Enhanced Mechanical Digestion +
Feed Utilization

The unique properties of zeolite grit stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes within the gizzard. This leads to a more effective mixing of enzymes with the ingested feed, thereby improving digestibility. The enhanced mechanical digestion enables poultry to extract more nutrients from their feed, contributing to better growth rates and overall health.

Optimal Gizzard Development

The inclusion of İncal Gritin in the diet has been shown to induce substantial growth in the size and weight of the gizzard in birds. This is attributed to the accelerated movement of gizzard muscles, leading to a more efficient grinding process. The increased thickness of gizzard muscles further enhances the mechanical breakdown of feed particles, maximizing nutrient absorption.

Improved Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) + Feed Intake

Zeolite grit facilitates the breakdown of hard ingredients in the gizzard, exposing a larger surface area of the feed to digestive enzymes. This results in improved feed utilization, leading to better FCR and increased feed intake. Poultry farmers witness significant reductions in feed costs while achieving superior performance in broiler chickens.

Enhanced Performance in Ostriches

İncal Gritin’s benefits extend beyond broiler chickens, as it has been scientifically proven to improve digestive efficiency and nutrient assimilation in ostriches. Better feed utilization leads to sustained performance and overall well-being in ostriches.

Promotes Animal Welfare

Offering free-choice access to grit allows birds to engage in natural stone eating behavior, associated with improved animal welfare. This reduces stress conditions and enhances the overall well-being of the animals, ensuring a happier and healthier poultry flock.

İncal Gritin sets new standards in the poultry farming industry by harnessing the power of natural zeolite to optimize avian digestion, nutrient assimilation, and overall well-being. Supported by robust scientific evidence and formulated with precision, İncal Gritin is poised to revolutionize poultry-rearing practices. Embrace the future of poultry farming with İncal Gritin and unlock unparalleled efficiency, cost savings, and animal welfare benefits in your poultry operation. Trust in the science and embrace İncal Gritin for a transformational poultry farming experience. Elevate your poultry farm's potential with İncal Gritin and witness the extraordinary difference in your flock's health and performance.